Secret Gender of Gremlins

Mace & Reed

Saturday 10AM


Have you ever wondered what a gremlin's gender is? Do you want to know? Are you very confused about why someone would ask that question? If you, like the two of us, have answered yes to any/all of these questions, then you should tune-in to The Secret Gender of Gremlins to maybe (probably not) learn the secrets yourselves. Oh yeah, and we play cool music too, I guess.


Reed: Pre-crastination, true crime, every fiction podcast out there, being the therapist friend, my plethora of music nobody has heard of/wants to hear, string instruments, horror and tragedy, sickening romance, video game soundtracks, songs you listen to every day and still love, songs you hear once and never again, gremlins in all their gremlin glory. \n Mace: nostalgia that’s only really from 2 months ago, anime soundtracks, playlists inspired by fictional 2-D characters, driving in my mother’s 90s Jeep Cherokee, copious identity crises, gender envy from Han Jisung, ur mom.


download most recent show here.